Welcome to SSP 2020
Hello everyone! This is a Beihang solid state physics course for Bachelor students majored in Physics, please feel free to explore the website. Have fun!

Due to the coronavirus epidemic in 2020 spring:
Watch the online SSP course video and read related materials (textbook, slides) before due discussion hours.
Discussion Time: Every Tuesday and Friday, 10:00 - 11:30 am, through Tencent Meeting.
Wei Li, Associate Prof. Dr.
School of Physics, Beihang
19-Feb-2020, Beijing.
Chapter 0: Introduction [2 hours]
- Solid States, Condensed Matter, and Quantum Matter
- Structure, Property, and Performance
- Theory of Everything
Chapter 1: Crystal Structures [6 hours]
- Bravais lattice
- Basis, primitive vector/cell, and conventional unit cell
- Reciprocal Lattice and Miller index
Chapter 2: X-Ray Diffraction [4 hours]
- Laue formula
- Bragg’s law
- Geometric and form factors
Chapter 3: Crystal Binding [6 hours]
- Cohesive energy and classification of solids
- Ionic crystal and Madelung constants,
- Covalent crystal and valence bond
- molecular crystal and Leonard-Jones potential
Chapter 4 Defects in Crystals [2 hours]
- Classification of defects
- Point defects and its thermodynamics and color center
- Dislocation and crystal growth
Chapter 5 Hamonic Crystal [14 hours]
- Classical theory of hamonic crystals
- Quantum theory of harmonic crystals
- Debye and Einstain Models
- Phonons and lattice thermodynamics, anharmonic effects
Chapter 6 Metals [12 hours]
- Drude theory and electric resistivity
- Sommerfeld theory
- Thermal conductivity
- Free electron gas and Fermi liquid
- Hall effect and free electron Landau level
Chapter 7 Band Theory I [12 hours]
- Periodic potential and Bloch theorem
- Fermi surface and Brillouin zone
- Tight-binding model
- Nearly free electrons
- Band structure
Chapter 8 Band Theory II [4 hours]
- Semiclassical motion of band electrons
- Band electrons in an electric field: metals, insulators, and semiconductors
- Band electrons in a magnetic field: de Hass-van Alphen Effect
Chapter 9 Magnetism and Superconductivity [2 hours]
Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, Magnetic order, and Curie’s law
Critical temperature and superconductivity gap
Persistent current, the Meissner effect, and the London equation
Brief introduction to the BCS theory